Sunday, February 7, 2010

On Board...sort of

Well, Hubby just got a call from #1 (19 yo ds). A friend of his just had his pickup break down and offered $3000 for ours...CASH!!! Hubby said no. WHAT?!? I knew I should have taken the call!! The title would have been signed before the kid got here!

We could easily buy a clunker for him to drive back and forth to work for less than $1000 and use what is left to get closer to the end.

One of the things Dave Ramsey says is that to finish the first two baby steps ($1000 baby emergency fund and debt free except the house) is to sell anything and everything...sell so much that your kids think they are next. I have no problem with this concept; I elect to not cause an all-out war.

In my eyes, Hubby is okay with paying off the debt as long as he doesn't have to give anything up. He won't sell his pick-up, golf clubs, golf cart, guns, bow hunting stuff, anything. Maybe that can be our next 'in depth' conversation; what is he willing to do?

Being out of debt would bring me so much security. We could begin baby step three (building an emergency fund worth 3-6 months of expenses) and it wouldn't even take very long. Does my sense of security not matter? Why do material possessions mean more to him than the financial well being of our family (and our marriage). Does he not understand that everything can be replaced and not have debt tied to it? What if the house burned to the ground? What would be important then?

I'm going to make a list showing the value of everything we can sell and see if that makes any difference in his thinking...don't worry, I won't hold my breath!

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