Tuesday, March 3, 2009

February Autopsy

So, here's February. It turned out pretty good thanks to my federal tax refund. I was able to pay off all but one credit card (4.4% interest)...of the $5909 I received, $5421.02 went to credit cards and plus $500 went to Hubby for personal spending. I can't believe people who make $35-40K/year and are broke beyond recognition. Maybe I should teach a budgeting class~

I'm guessing that March will be close as far as income from Hubby, I am hopping though that I can get a bit more in Food Support...tough to feed a family of 4 on $141/month. Good thing #5 was gone for 2 weeks (well, good for the budget...hard on my heart!)

In the Variable Expenses category, I have $725 budgeted for household. That includes groceries, toiletries, fees for school, gas, auto maintenance, dining out, and anything else that is not a bill. I no longer even carry my debit card with me because I know there is no money available so why risk the temptation? I need gas in the car and hope I can make it on $30 for the next two weeks. That should almost fill my tank so I should be okay. Church being 11 miles out of town really takes a hit on my gas tank...especially during lent with services twice per week!

Total income $7,881.20 $7,082.74

Total expenses $7,881.11 $7,750.33

Income-expenses $0.09 ($667.59)


Actual Budgeted
Salary 1 Salary/UIMN $642.41
Salary 2
$511.05 $700.00
Carry Forward/Social Services
$685.09 $340.09
Federal Refund
$5,909.00 $5,909.00
Other $133.65 $133.65

Total $7,881.20 $7,082.74

Withholdings Actual Budgeted


Total withholdings $134.00 $0.00

Percent of expenses $0.02

Finance Payments Actual Budgeted
$2,257.78 $2,257.78
Orchard 1 $411.31 $411.31
Capital One 1 $621.25 $621.25
Capital One 2 $151.00 $52.00
Orchard 2 $520.49 $520.49
Furniture $116.84 $116.84
Home mortgage $264.41 $264.41
Credit Card 1

$711.65 $711.65

Total payments $5,054.73 $4,955.73

Percent of expenses $0.64 $0.64

Fixed Expenses Actual Budgeted
Property taxes $325.00 $150.00
MCI $20.00 $20.00
Auto insurance $64.21 $64.21
Heat $130.00 $130.00
$100.04 $105.00
Cable TV $38.70 $38.70
Telephone $62.18 $62.18

Total fixed expenses $740.13 $822.09

Variable Expenses Actual Budgeted
$96.00 $725.00
Vehicle (parts)


Dining Out


Bank note
$747.51 $747.51

$500.00 $500.00



Total expenses $1,952.25 $1,972.51

Percent of expenses $0.25 $0.25

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